AWS From Scratch 03 - Account Setup Recap In AWS From Scratch 01 & 02, you created a new AWS account, Created an Organization to manage your account, and created an administrative user. You have followed the recommended best practices for creating accounts and users so far. Now you will continue following best practices by configuring your management account, and then add a sandbox account to work on project development. Management Account The management account should only be used to manage the organization and member accounts. It should not contain workloads or resources used by workloads (databases, files, etc.). Customizing the AWS access portal URL When you login using your non root administrative user, you use the Access Portal URL that was created when you enabled IAM Identity Center. The url contains numbers and letters and is not easy to remember (which is why you were asked to bookmark it). To change the URL into something more meaningful, login as the admin user and go t...